Information Center
Last update: March 14, 2022
Machu Picchu Regulation
Note: Adapted from the original regulations available in
Spanish on the Ministry of Culture Cusco website.
The Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, recognized by UNESCO
as a Cultural and Natural World Heritage, is a protected site.
Entrance to the Inca citadel and the
optional sites is limited and certain rules apply:
Machu Picchu
- The access is limited to approximately 6000 people per day, all year
around, in two schedules:
- 2500 people approximately for Group 1 from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm.
- 3000 people approximately for Group 2 from 12:00 pm to 17:30 pm.
Wayna Picchu
- The access is limited to 400 people per day, all year
around, in two schedules:
- 200 people for Group 1 from 7:00 am to 8:00 am.
- 200 people for Group 2 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.
Machu Picchu Mountain
- The access is limited to 800 people per day, all year
around, in two schedules:
- 400 people for Group 1 from 7:00 am to 8:00 am.
- 400 people for Group 2 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am.
Manuel Chávez Ballón Museum
- It is located at Km 112 "Puente Ruinas" before going up to Machu Picchu, 20 minutes away by foot from Aguas Calientes.
- The access is unlimited, all year
- The entrance is allowed from 9:00 am.
- The permanence in the museum is authorized until 5:00
- The visit only takes 15 minutes.
In general
- It is mandatory to have a guide to visit Machu Picchu. Approved guides not included in the ticket price are located at the entrance of the site. Their prices and conditions must be negotiated directly on site.
- The visit of the site is done only in one direction, according to pre-established circuits coordinated beforehand with the guide.
- The entrance ticket is only valid once. It is not possible to exit the site and return later.
- The entrance and exit are located in 2 different places. It is then no longer possible to leave your belongings in the lockers at the entrance gate.
- Umbrellas and children strollers are forbidden in the citadel.
- No entrance tickets can be purchased directly on site.
- Beverages are authorized only in bottles.
- It is forbidden to eat on site.
- Walking sticks are allowed only for the elderly and
handicapped persons.
- The only authorized bags are backpacks or small bags.
- It is forbidden to climb Inca walls.
- It is forbidden to make wood fires.
- It is forbidden to throw garbage.
- Toilets are located outside the sanctuary.
- Flora and fauna shall be protected.
- It is forbidden to make disturbing noises (whistles,
- It is forbidden to writer and/or draw on walls and
Durante la de Machu Picchu está prohibido lo siguiente:
- Portar mochilas, bolsas o bolsos de más de 40x35x20 cm (16x14x8 pulgadas).
- Ingresar con alimentos y menaje.
- Ingresar con cualquier sustancia ilegal o bajo sus efectos.
- Ingresar con cualquier tipo de bebida alcohólica o en estado etílico.
- Portar bastones, paraguas, sombrillas, asientos portátiles, trípodes, soportes o extensiones para cámaras, celulares o cualquier otro elemento de estabilización o extensión para filmación y/o fotografía.
- Ingresar con animales, con excepción de los perros guía.
- Alimentar a los animales domésticos y silvestres.
- Ingresar con cualquier tipo de aerosoles.
- Realizar cualquier tipo de grafiti.
- Ingresar con cualquier tipo de instrumento musical, megáfono o parlantes.
- Realizar ruidos fuertes o molestos como aplaudir, gritar, silbar o cantar, entre otros.
- Usar aplicativos virtuales con celulares o aparatos móviles en arterias estrechas.
- Ingresar con tacones o zapatos de planta dura.
- Acceder con coches de bebe.
- Ingresar con objetos punzocortantes y/o armas de cualquier tipo.
- Ingresar con banderolas, posters, carteles, vestimenta destinada a fines publicitarios, disfraces, entre otros objetos de este tipo. Realizar filmaciones o fotografías con fines publicitarios.
- Causar tumulto, brincar, recostarse, correr, desnudarse o generar desorden.
- Subirse o apoyarse en los muros y/o estructuras. Tocar, mover o extraer elementos líticos.
- Perturbar, recolectar o extraer flora o fauna.
- Realizar actividades que distorsionen el carácter sagrado de la Llaqta de Machupicchu; como desfiles de moda, bailes, compromisos sociales, actos obscenos contrarios a la moral y a las buenas costumbres o cualquier tipo de actividad que implique el menoscabo o deterioro del monumento, su ambiente natural y/o instalaciones.
- Fumar, vapear o realizar cualquier tipo de fuego.
- Arrojar residuos de cualquier tipo.
- No respetar los circuitos y rutas establecidas.
- El comercio ambulatorio en el monumento y espacios aledaños hasta el Puente Ruinas.
- Realizar sobrevuelos con parapentes, drones o cualquier tipo de nave menor.
Realizar actos o ingresar con objetos prohibidos en esta lista generará la expulsión inmediata del visitante sin derecho a reembolso y el inicio de las acciones legales correspondientes. Los guardaparques del Ministerio de Cultura y los agentes de la Policía Nacional son la autoridad al interior del monumento.
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